Not all super heroes wear capes…some wear scrubs and a surgical mask. That’s what Ping Pong learned when we discovered Dr. Sandra lee, better known as ‘Dr. Pimple Popper’. Dr. Lee broke new ground in the field of dermatology by breaking the internet. In 2015, she begin filming her procedures – from blackhead extractions to cyst dissections – earning her a massive fan base, including a YouTube following of ‘Popaholics’ more than 3 million strong. When Ping Pong teamed up with TLC to bring ‘Dr. Pimple Popper’ to your television, a new hit was born. Our mission: educate the public and change the lives of patients impacted by dermatological issues. Who knew that popping pimples could feel so good?

Dr. Sandra Lee
Dr. Sandra Lee is the star of her own hit TLC series, Dr. Pimple Popper, and the founder of a solutions driven skincare line, SLMD Skincare. So, if you aren’t a Popaholic (the term for the community of Dr. Pimple Popper-obsessed viewers) you may be wondering: why do people want to watch this kind of stuff?! The answer certainly varies for each of her over 5 million YouTube subscribers, 3.3 million Instagram followers, and 2 million Facebook fans, but Dr. Lee has discovered that many of these viewers find her videos therapeutic. “There’s a great sense of satisfaction to watch pressure being built up and released, and to watch the body being cleansed or cleaned,” Dr. Lee explains. Then there’s the entertainment factor, of course. Many internet lovers just enjoy watching vital, eye-catching videos — content that they can forward to their friends and share with people.
There’s also the education factor. “People love to learn about their skin, why these growths happen, how they are removed… I hear so often from people about how they watch my videos and then aspire to become dermatologists or other skincare specialists,” Dr. Lee explains. In fact, many Dr. Pimple Popper fans are doctors, PAs, nurses, estheticians, and other skincare professionals — they’re the people who relate to her content and find it both fascinating and educating. “At the end of the day, the reason for all of this is really to educate people, and to help them take better care of their own body and skin,” emphasizes Dr. Lee. And that’s the mission that fuels Dr. Lee and her team.