From Nostradamus and the ancient Mayans, to modern-day scientists, the apocalypse has been the source of endless speculation. With ‘Forecasting the End’ Ping Pong and the Weather Channel set out to see which predictions are the most plausible. In each episode, host Ben McGee and a team of scientists use their expertise and the latest computer technology to model a different “what if?” scenario. Will catastrophic weather take us down? An asteroid colliding with Earth? Tune in to find out how it all ends…

Ben McGee
A Las Vegas native and an enthusiastic adventurer for science outreach, Ben leverages his far-reaching experience as a professional scientist to enable and improve public media and education projects. From working for large industrial contractors to small environmental firms; university research programs to government labs; and emergency response organizations to software developers and television production companies, Ben’s insight spans nearly all interest groups and allows him to recognize and present all sides of science-centric issues.
Specifically, Ben has worked as a professional geoscientist, radiological engineer, space scientist, college educator, science outreach public speaker, aerospace and scientific consultant, author, and he is an aspiring commercial astronaut.
Ever skeptical about extraordinary claims, Ben believes the scientific method is the most powerful and successful tool humanity has constructed to understand our universe. He is a staunch advocate for science education and feels that scientists have a social responsibility to help the public find answers to the questions they have about the Earth, our environment, and the cosmos at-large.